Families looking for entertainment over the holidays will be pleased to see “A Christmas Carol”. Jefferson Baptist Church will be presenting the drama based on the beloved classic by Charles Dickens. There will be four showings of the play, Friday and Saturday, December 10
th and 11
th at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 12
th at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
They play will be about 1 hr 35 minutes, and the entire service should be about 1 hr 50 minutes. Childcare is available for ages 0-5. Families are encouraged to attend together, but parents should know that there are some scenes that may be a little scary for young children. Admission is FREE. The church is located at 15002 Jefferson Hwy 99E SE, Jefferson, Oregon. Questions can be directed to the church at 541-327-2939.