Dec 17, 2012

E'rma's Corner

Have you noticed that there seems to be a lot of excitement in children these days? Or maybe you have noticed that there is an absence of excitement in the children you have in your homes. The holidays can bring out many feelings in our children and along with that comes the behaviors. Remember as you're thinking of gifts to put under the tree this year for children in your homes, what gifts you can put in the "empty cups" of our emotionally drained and scared children. Have you thought of giving the gift of individual time, one-on-one reading a special book that you choose for them at Christmas, or a special game that can help them with the social problems they are having around sharing and following rules. Maybe a picture of that parent they miss so much put on a T-shirt that they can wear and feel close to when not at home. Children have traditions that they treasure even if it’s having pizza and pop on Christmas Eve, so try to incorporate something that they have done with their family at Christmas into your family celebration and by doing so you will value who they are. If you ask what they have done and they get quiet or say nothing, then ask them to think of something they would like to plan with you around the holidays. This not only gives them a sense of value, but will also let them feel connected with you and your family.

I personally struggle a bit at Holidays due to past disappointments and know that having someone acknowledge that sadness can go a long way in healing and creating new and special memories about the holidays. What child have you stood by in their emotions? What child will you give the gift of Belongingness to this Holiday season? I wish you the best that the season has to offer and the Joy that standing with a Child brings all year long.

From my corner of the world to yours,



Oct 5, 2012

Marion Polk Foster Parent Association "Holiday Wishes"

The Holidays are just around the corner, and Marion Polk Foster Parent Association is accepting requests for "holiday wishes." Foster/Adoptive Parents may request a gift with a value of $30 or less for each child in their home.

Request forms must be received by November 19, 2012. Request forms may be downloaded here:

Forms should be submitted (one for each child) along with 2013 membership dues for Marion Polk Foster Parent Association ($20) to:

Holiday Wishes
Marion Polk Foster Parent Association
P.O. Box 13875
Salem, Or. 97309

If you have questions, please contact Ima Duerksen via email at or by phone at 503-508-4828.

Sep 12, 2012

Upcoming Special Trainings

Certified Families are required to complete 30 hours of training every two years to maintain their certification.  We have some specialized trainings coming up, including some in partnership with Portland State University. 

To register for these upcoming trainings, please contact Erma Brundidge by email, , or by phone at (503) 378-4784. 

Understanding and Responding to the Sexual Behavior of Children (PSU Training)
September 13th, 6-9pm
Attend this workshop and learn to identify sexual behaviors ranging from normal exploration to "No doubt about it, I better get some help or make a referral!" Gain confidence in identifying different levels of sexual behavior and how to respond to children with specific interventions when sexual behaviors are occuring with children in your care.

Circle of Security
Part I: September 20th, 6-9pm
Part II: September 27th, 6-9pm
Part III: October 4th, 6-9pm
Learn how to be with your child and meet their needs as well as help organize their feelings. This training will help you understand why you are comfortable in some of your parenting and not so much in other areas of your parenting.

Working With Explosive Behaviors
Part I: October 11th, 6-9pm
Part II: October 18th, 6-9pm
Part III: October 25th, 6-9pm

Ethnic Hair and Skin Care (PSU Training)
October 17th, 6-9pm
You will learn the most effective ways to correctly and confidently take care of ethnic hair. By learning to identify different hair and skin types, as well as possible skin and scalp disorders, caregivers will be able to assess the needs of the individual child. By learning more of the pros and cons of "press and curl", use of pony tails, locks and dreads, caregivers will be able to discuss options with the children to determine what best suits their individual needs and personality. This knowledge will build a cultural awareness and understanding that will help caregivers to encourage confidence and healthy growth in children that will last a lifetime.

Caring for the Sexually Abused Child (PSU Training)
October 24th, 6-9pm
Children who have experienced the trauma of sexual abuse will require additional understanding and supervision. Helping them to heal while keeping them safe will be a challenging job for foster, adoptive and relative caregivers. This class will help the caregiver understand the effects of abuse on children at all developmental ages, and will provide some ways to encourage healing and provide safe structure for all in the home.

Sep 6, 2012

14th Annual Shoulder to Shoulder Conference

14th Annual Shoulder to Shoulder Conference:
"Standing Together for Families"
November 14, 2012
Red Lion Hotel in Jantzen Beach, Portland

Adoptive and foster parents, kinship caregivers, advocates, caseworkers, social workers, lawyers, judicial officers, citizen review board members (CRB), mental health professionals, medical professionals and anyone who is working with adoptive and foster children are all invited to attend. Scholarships are available!
Conference information is available online at

Jul 23, 2012

Foster and Adoptive Family Summer Picnic: July 28th, 11:00am-2:00pm

Striking Out Meth Volcano’s game tickets!

Free lunch and dessert

Free Hair cuts

Face painting

Salem Keizer Free Lunch program will be available to sign kids up.

THE AMAZING RACE! (tennis shoe’s recommended)

Saturday July 28th


(Lunch served from 12-1)

@ Oregon State Fairgrounds

Enter through the Yellow Gate off of Silverton Rd

Apr 17, 2012

Apr 13, 2012

Jan 10, 2012

Clothing Closet
Do you like name brands like: American Eagle, Hollister, Aeropostale, Volcom, Old Navy, Gap, DC, Etnies, Nike, and more?? We are in dire need of some worker bee's in the clothing closet. If you have some kids that need some Community Service hours, or independent life skills training, this would be a great opportunity to get the closet cleaned and their hours done (with your supervision). Plus some free clothes in the process, a WIN - WIN situation!!

If you have tween to teen girls and/or boys and they like clothes, and shoes, bring them down. They can help change out their closet by helping organize ours. All they would need to do is toss the old ripped, stained or ugly stuff, and hang the new, nice stuff.

If you have questions, please call Kim at 503.559.7615.
Thanks for your help :)