Dec 17, 2012

E'rma's Corner

Have you noticed that there seems to be a lot of excitement in children these days? Or maybe you have noticed that there is an absence of excitement in the children you have in your homes. The holidays can bring out many feelings in our children and along with that comes the behaviors. Remember as you're thinking of gifts to put under the tree this year for children in your homes, what gifts you can put in the "empty cups" of our emotionally drained and scared children. Have you thought of giving the gift of individual time, one-on-one reading a special book that you choose for them at Christmas, or a special game that can help them with the social problems they are having around sharing and following rules. Maybe a picture of that parent they miss so much put on a T-shirt that they can wear and feel close to when not at home. Children have traditions that they treasure even if it’s having pizza and pop on Christmas Eve, so try to incorporate something that they have done with their family at Christmas into your family celebration and by doing so you will value who they are. If you ask what they have done and they get quiet or say nothing, then ask them to think of something they would like to plan with you around the holidays. This not only gives them a sense of value, but will also let them feel connected with you and your family.

I personally struggle a bit at Holidays due to past disappointments and know that having someone acknowledge that sadness can go a long way in healing and creating new and special memories about the holidays. What child have you stood by in their emotions? What child will you give the gift of Belongingness to this Holiday season? I wish you the best that the season has to offer and the Joy that standing with a Child brings all year long.

From my corner of the world to yours,
