Certified Families are required to complete 30 hours of training every two years to maintain their certification. We have some specialized trainings coming up, including some in partnership with Portland State University.
To register for these upcoming trainings, please contact Erma Brundidge by email, erma.s.brundidge@dhsoha.state.or.us , or by phone at (503) 378-4784.
Understanding and Responding to the Sexual Behavior of Children (PSU Training)
September 13th, 6-9pm
Attend this workshop and learn to identify sexual behaviors ranging from normal exploration to "No doubt about it, I better get some help or make a referral!" Gain confidence in identifying different levels of sexual behavior and how to respond to children with specific interventions when sexual behaviors are occuring with children in your care.
Circle of Security
Part I: September 20th, 6-9pm
Part II: September 27th, 6-9pm
Part III: October 4th, 6-9pm
Learn how to be with your child and meet their needs as well as help organize their feelings. This training will help you understand why you are comfortable in some of your parenting and not so much in other areas of your parenting.
Working With Explosive Behaviors
Part I: October 11th, 6-9pm
Part II: October 18th, 6-9pm
Part III: October 25th, 6-9pm
Ethnic Hair and Skin Care (PSU Training)
October 17th, 6-9pm
You will learn the most effective ways to correctly and confidently take care of ethnic hair. By learning to identify different hair and skin types, as well as possible skin and scalp disorders, caregivers will be able to assess the needs of the individual child. By learning more of the pros and cons of "press and curl", use of pony tails, locks and dreads, caregivers will be able to discuss options with the children to determine what best suits their individual needs and personality. This knowledge will build a cultural awareness and understanding that will help caregivers to encourage confidence and healthy growth in children that will last a lifetime.
Caring for the Sexually Abused Child (PSU Training)
October 24th, 6-9pm
Children who have experienced the trauma of sexual abuse will require additional understanding and supervision. Helping them to heal while keeping them safe will be a challenging job for foster, adoptive and relative caregivers. This class will help the caregiver understand the effects of abuse on children at all developmental ages, and will provide some ways to encourage healing and provide safe structure for all in the home.
Sep 12, 2012
Sep 6, 2012
14th Annual Shoulder to Shoulder Conference
14th Annual Shoulder to Shoulder Conference:
"Standing Together for Families"
November 14, 2012
Red Lion Hotel in Jantzen Beach, Portland
Adoptive and foster parents, kinship caregivers, advocates, caseworkers, social workers, lawyers, judicial officers, citizen review board members (CRB), mental health professionals, medical professionals and anyone who is working with adoptive and foster children are all invited to attend. Scholarships are available!
Conference information is available online at www.stsconference.com