Apr 15, 2011

Life with the Libby's-Fostering Friday's

Fostering Friday's by Connie Libby Marion County Foster Parent 

Fostering Fridays are all about my journey as a foster mom, how I feel about it, the highs and lows, and how it affects my family. And of course, hoping to increase awareness and prayer for this challenging and very rewarding ministry. So today I'd like to talk about a very powerful thing called support. Having people in your life who understand where you're at and what you're doing. I believe this is essential to being successful as a foster parent. Meeting and staying connected to other foster parents is a great way to have relationships that see you through all the ups, downs and times you aren't sure what to do. There are support meetings that you can attend through DHS, and possibly your certifier, to help make those connections. But you don't only need to connect with other foster parents to find the support and encouragement you need to continue on. Having family, friends, and a church fellowship that agree with your passion for fostering and are there to listen, help and love makes all the difference. So that being said let me tell you about my support system. When Russ and I decided to begin the training to foster we learned in the classes that a lot of the other families looking to become foster homes were just like us! Imagine that! We connected with some and were encouraged by these honest, kind people beginning the same journey we were. Then we met with our certifier and as she interviewed us, she asked if we had the support of our families. It made me take a closer look and see what kind of support we really had there. We weren't sure how everyone would respond once we started having extra children around for family gatherings, but everyone seemed supportive enough. Boy, what a pleasant surprise that ALL of our family has jumped in to love and help grow our little one. Treating him just like one of the family, I feel so proud of all our family, they add another layer to the stability of our foster babies lives. Then we got our first foster baby and I emailed all our friends and family to tell them we had our baby home and we could use their prayers as we begin to help raise this little one. The response was huge! I wept as I read the responses and I have continued to see that support played out. When I brought our little guy to my bunko group, I don't think I held him once. When I needed to go for a meeting at DHS, friends took my kids for me even if some or all of their kids were in school. When I had some VERY sleepy days after getting up with an infant all night friends offered to come and hold him while I rested or take him for a night. ( I didn't take them up on it but I was so happy to know I could if I needed it!) That leads me to the next layer of support I'm so blessed to have, couples who we are good friends with already who are either certified foster or respite care certified. What a relief to know that there is someone I know that is legally certified to take the baby overnight if I needed it! And we did! We got away in December for my birthday/anniversary/Christmas present and a good friend took the baby so we were kids free! All of these things add up to an invaluable system of support. But it's not over. DHS just hooked us up with a mentoring foster couple with kids our kids ages and a foster baby. They are awesome and I've loved getting the perspective of a foster mom in my spot who's been doing this longer than me! And lastly my church family is amazing! They love and nurture our whole family and are openly supportive and stand up for foster families. They gave gifts at Christmas and run a program called 'Foster Parent Night' out where we can drop all the kids and go on a 4 hour date once a month!!!! Yeah, we totally go out more now than we ever did before! And I love that every time I get the baby from the nursery the ladies are just so in love with him and praying for him and just so encouraging of our situation! They are so lovely and always so happy to be a small part of helping this foster child thrive. We are surrounded by so much support and love and prayer that we know every need will be met. Whether that is needing someone to talk to, childcare, a hug, advice, prayer, a meal after a particularly hard night with the baby, or hand me down clothes and baby items, it's all there for us when we need it! We are blessed beyond measure, and if you are a foster parent and not feeling supported, seek out the support!! Call your certifier, meet up with other foster parents, lean on your friends or family who support you and accept their offers of help! You'll be able to avoid being burned out and too tired to continue giving the care your child/ children need. Loving encouragement is the key to pressing on! I'm convinced of it! Thank you everyone who loves and helps my family! You mean the world to me and have made this journey one of encouragement and peace! We love you guys!